How to Create Result Images That Respondents Can Download and Share as Full-Screen Instagram Stories? How Can Respondents Download These Images? This Article Will Explain Everything Step by Step!
What Are the Common Sizes for Test Result Images on Instagram Stories?
To align with modern device usage habits, most test result images are optimized for mobile dimensions. The most common sharing scenario is ‘Instagram Stories,’ where the recommended aspect ratio is ‘width 9: height 16’ (at least 1080px by 1920px). This typically ensures excellent presentation and is the design standard for most test result images today!

Can the result images be downloaded after completing the answers?
On the OOOPEN Lab project page, all respondents are allowed to long press (or right-click) to download images. If you want to prompt respondents, it is recommended to add a “Picture Block” or “Text Block” with a brief description above or below the result image block. Tips: Some social media built-in browsers may not support long press (or right-click) downloads; a regular browser may be needed to download the images.

In addition to official promotions and advertising, setting appropriate result image sizes can also lead to organic spread through social media, bringing more passive traffic !
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