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Terms of Use

Privacy Policy

Welcome to the OOOPEN Lab Service (hereinafter referred to as the "RE:LAB’s Service") operated by RE:LAB. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company").

The RE:LAB’s Service is a membership-only service that requires user registration and acceptance of the Company’s terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms of Service”) and Privacy Policy. Please read these Terms of Service and Privacy Policy carefully prior to completing your registration. If you disagree with or wish to reject any portion of these Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, you will be considered ineligible for membership and therefore agree to immediately cease all use of the Website.

If you still choose to complete registration as a member, or to continue browsing the content of this website without registration, you agree to fully abide by these Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

In order to ensure that you know all your rights while using the various services and information of the RE:LAB’s Service, we hereby present these Terms of Service to you to protect your rights. Please read the following content carefully.

  1. Service content

    1. The Company provides different service for registered users and unregistered users (hereinafter refer to as the “users”)

    2. Services

      1. Registered Users: The Company provides users with the User Survey Module Tool to help them create surveys, quizzes, and interactive game modules on the Company’s website (URL: https://ooopenlab.cc/). The Company also provides paid services. Registered users may pay to publish surveys, quizzes, and interactive game modules to interact with users of registered users and conduct post-test analysis and marketing campaigns through the tools provided by the Company. The Company also provides registered users paid user education and training services.
      2. Unregistered Users may complete, experience, and interact with surveys, quizzers, and interactive games provided by registered users.
    3. Users shall accept these Terms of Service and any other related policy announced by the Company or the RE:LAB’s Service. Users also agree to review and acknowledge any updates to these Terms of Service.

    4. The rights you enjoy after registration will not be less than those of unregistered users, and the obligations you should fulfill will not be greater than those of unregistered users.

    5. If you are a registered user, the Company will provide the RE:LAB’s Service to you from the time you register your account and receive the notification of the establishment of the Service from the Company. If you are an unregistered user, the Company will provide the RE:LAB’s Service to you from the time you start filling out, experiencing the surveys, quizzes, or interactive games provided by registered users, and until you complete filling out and experiencing them.

  2. Account Registration and Review

    1. Natural Person

      1. If you are a natural person, in order to use the RE:LAB’s Service, you certify that the personal information provided is complete, accurate, and current, including but not limited to: your name, contact number, valid email address and other information required by the RE;LAB’s Service. You also agree to update your registration to reflect any changes to your personal information. By registering as a member of the Website, you further agree to the Company’s collection, processing and use of the personal information provided to the RE:LAB’s Service, so that the Company can contact you or use it within the scope of the purpose of providing or improving the Company’s services.
      2. If you are between the ages of 7 and 18, you must have your guardian read, understand and agree to all the contents of the Terms of Service before you register an account and use the RE:LAB’s Service. If you are under the age of 7, your guardian shall use the RE:LAB’s Service on your behalf.
    2. Judicial Person

      1. If you are a judicial person or group, in order to use the RE:LAB’s Service, you certify that the judicial person or group information provided is complete, accurate, and current, including but not limited to: your registered name, contact number, valid email address and other information required by the RE;LAB’s Service. You also agree to update your registration to reflect any changes to your judicial person or group information. By registering as a member of the Website, you further agree to the Company’s collection, processing and use of the personal information provided to the RE:LAB’s Service, so that the Company can contact you or use it within the scope of the purpose of providing or improving the Company’s services.
      2. If you are you are a judicial person or group, you should ensure that you have obtained the agency or authorization of the judicial person or group before registering an account and using the RE:LAB’s Service. The Company may also require you to provide relevant documents (including but not limited to company registration information card, identity documents of the person in charge, corporate seal and stamp, etc.) when necessary.
    3. If your Facebook, Google, or other account used to register for the RE:LAB’s Service is suspended or permanently deleted by the social media company and you cannot use the RE:LAB’s Service, the company will not be liable for any damages.

    4. You agree to assume all responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of your account and password of the RE:LAB’s Service; You further acknowledge that you will be fully responsible for all activity associated with your account unless it is proven that your account and password have been stolen by a third party and confirmed by judicial authorities.

    5. If you discover that your account has been compromised or misused by someone other than You, please notify us immediately via our official contact information posted on the Website (please refer to the Terms of Service Article 18). After receiving the notification and confirming the situation complies with the Company’s account suspension policy, the Company will suspend all transactions and subsequent use of the account. The Company will not assume any responsibility in connection with damages suffered as a result of your failure to notify the Company immediately in accordance with the Company’s policy.

    6. Continuing from the preceding paragraph: If your account and password has been impersonated or is suspected of being impersonated, the Company may immediately suspend the access of the account and subsequent usage without notice to protect your rights and transaction security. If you can prove that there is no unauthorized usage and upon the company’s confirmation of the same, the Company may restore the access of the account.

    7. If your personal, legal person or group information changes after you register an account, you should notify the Company in writing within 3 working days after the change. If you fail to update your personal, legal person or group information in a timely manner, so that the company cannot contact you in time or you suffer damage due to other reasons, you shall be solely responsible for it.

  3. The Subscription Plan of the RE:LAB’s Service

    1. The Company offers both free and paid services. Unless otherwise specified by the Company’s promotional activities, registered users are required to make payments according to the usage plan (e.g., credit card, debit card) in order to publish tests. You can find detailed information on the various subscription plan offered by the Company here. Failure to make payment in accordance with the regulations may result in the Company’s authorization to remove your surveys, tests, or interactive games from the RE:LAB’ Service. Your access to publish surveys, tests, or interactive games will be restored upon payment.

    2. The period of use of the paid plan for this service starts from the time you select the paid plan, complete the payment, and receive the notification of the establishment of the transaction from our company, and ends with the expiration date based on the number of days you have subscribed to the plan. Once the transaction is established, there is no refund. You can only choose to remove the test or make fine-tuning and continue to use it.

    3. After your payment, the Company will send you an e-invoice using the invoice issuance method you select.

    4. If you violate any of these terms or engage in any behavior prohibited by the Company, the Company may terminate or suspend your service without refund.

    5. The Company reserve the right to terminate the RE:LAB’s Service to you at any time. However, for the amounts you have paid, the Company will calculate the proportion based on the length of the subscription plan you have purchased (in days), deduct the part you have used, and refund you the remaining fees without interest.

    6. You agree that the Company reserves the right to modify the content of any promotional activities launched for the RE:LAB’s Service.

  4. Advertising and Links to Third Party Websites or Resources

    1. The Company has the right to place or embed advertisements or provide any links to third party websites or resources in this website. The company may also deliver advertisement to you through additional features of website analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, and Plausible. However, the Company is not responsible for the content, products, or services on the advertisements or linked third party websites or resources listed or embedded in this website. You agree to bear all risks arising from the use of any third-party website or resource, and you are solely responsible for such use.

    2. You agree that the Company may from time to time send electronic newsletters, product, or service messages (EDM) to the e-mail you provide to the Company. After you have replied to the refusal to accept marketing in the manner prescribed by the Company and confirmed by the Company, the Company will cease to send further marketing messages.

    3. You acknowledge and agree that all cooperation projects via this website are authorized to be used by the Company or this website as a way to promote and market the Company and the RE:LAB’s Service. The methods of use include but are not limited to: publishing the cooperation cases in the company’s community Publicly transmitted on the website and publicly displayed in speech promotion presentations.

  5. Responsibilities of the Users

    1. You promise and warrant that any actions you take using the RE:LAB’s Service shall comply with the relevant laws of the Republic of China (Taiwan), public policy or good morals, as well as international practices for Internet usage. If you use the RE:LAB’s Service outside of the Republic of China (Taiwan), you shall also comply with the applicable local laws of your jurisdiction.

    2. The Company is not obligated to actively verify the legality of your actions as described in the preceding clause, but reserves the right to conduct such verification. If your use of the RE:LAB’s Service involves violations of laws or public policy and good morals, the Company reserves the right to refuse or suspend the provision of the RE:LAB’s Service. In the event that the Company incurs damages or expenses as a result, you agree to indemnify the Company and assume responsibility for the resulting damages.

    3. You shall verify at all times whether the information provided by the RE:LAB’s Service on your behalf to other users or third parties is accurate.

  6. User Prohibitions

    1. When you are the user of the RE:LAB’s Service, you agree to refrain from:

      1. Using another person’s name to register for an account or to provide false personal information when registering for an account.
      2. Impersonating or stealing other members’ accounts; or sharing personal accounts with third parties; or borrowing third party accounts for use.
      3. Publishing or sending spams, advertisements, chain letters, illegal or unauthorized multi-level marketing messages and advertisements; or uploading, transmitting, inputting, publishing or storing any data that infringes the intellectual property rights of others or violates the law.
      4. Engaging in criminal activities, infringing upon the rights of third parties, engaging in unauthorized or unlawful behavior, or violating public policy and good morals.
      5. Disseminating hate speech, discriminatory remarks, or speech related to terrorist activities, or engaging in related behaviors.
      6. Causing confusion or misunderstanding among other users or third parties regarding the content of the RE:LAB’s Service.
      7. Maliciously interfering with the use of the RE:LAB’s Service by other users and (including but not limited to: using bots or other digital tools to repeatedly input data causing the server overload, etc.); attacking the provision of this service; Transmitting or distributing computer viruses; or using the RE:LAB’s Service as a position for cyber-attacks.
      8. Forging, tampering, deleting or capturing the content from the system of the RE:LAB’s Service or related servers and personal data or project date of other users.
      9. Infringing or damaging the goodwill, reputation, privacy, trade secrets, trademarks, copyrights, patents, intellectual property rights and other rights of the Company, other users or third parties, as well as any other behavior against public policy and good morals
      10. Causing annoyance, displeasure or violation of general internet etiquette to other users of the Platform or third parties, causing resentment or acts involving cyber bullying, discrimination, hatred or terrorist activities.
      11. Activity harmful to the sustainable operation of the Company or the RE:LAB’s Service.
      12. Breach of confidentiality obligations under the law or the Terms of Service.
      13. Activity that the Company has justifiable reasons to consider inappropriate.
    2. You shall be fully responsible for any violation of governmental regulations or infringement of third party rights as a result of the foregoing. You shall assume full responsibility for any damage caused to the Company and be liable for liquidated damages equivalent to 50 times the cost of your subscription plan.

    3. If you violate any of the provisions of this Article, the Company has the right to remove or hide any content or information uploaded to the RE:LAB’s Service, and is further permitted to take all measures deemed necessary by the Company at any time.

  7. Data Management

    1. You are responsible for managing and backing up any data generated by your use of the RE:LAB’s Service. The company is not responsible for any management or backup responsibilities.

    2. Once data is deleted, it cannot be restored. Before you delete it yourself or the Company deletes it, you must make sure that you have backed it up.

  8. Termination of Service

    1. You cannot terminate the service at will during the service period. If you terminate the service early, the Company will not refund the money you have paid.

    2. The Company retains the right to immediately cancel, suspend, and/or terminate your account and access to the Website without notice if any of the following apply.

      1. You provided incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete personal information and/or fail to update your personal information.
      2. The project data you upload transmit, input, publish, or store infringes on the intellectual property rights of others.
      3. You used the Website to engage in any illegal or suspected illegal conduct.
      4. To protect rights of other users or to avoid damage.
      5. To maintain the quality of RE:LAB’s Service and protect the Company’s rights, or to prevent the Company from incurring damages.
      6. The Company decides to suspend or terminate the provision of the RE:LAB’s Services due to operational decisions and other needs.
      7. Any violation of these Terms of Service.
      8. Any other circumstances that the Company deems necessary.
    3. The Company shall not be required to notify you or give you an opportunity to dispute your termination from the RE:LAB’s Service, nor shall it owe you any compensation or indemnity for any loss or expectation of benefit suffered as a result. The Company will actively cooperate with police and investigation agency in conducting investigation when necessary.

    4. The Company’s decision as to the applicability of this Article shall be final and complete, and any evidence, advice, or opinion provided by You or any other users shall be for the Company’s reference only and shall not be binding on the Company, nor shall the Company be obligated to provide you with relief or an opportunity to file a complaint.

  9. Suspension or Change of Service

    1. The company reserves the right to update the service system. Upon updating the service system, if you continue to use the service, it will be deemed as your acceptance of the updated service system. You shall not terminate, rescind the service, or apply for a refund based on this reason

    2. The Company retains the right to immediately suspend the provision of the service, if any of the following specific circumstances occur:

      1. The Company inspect, repair, enhance, or upgrade the hardware and software related to the service.
      2. System interruption caused by telecommunications carriers’ computer, communication circuits, lines of data center, other force majeure events, or reasons not attributable to the Company.
      3. Any other circumstances that the Company deems necessary.
    3. In the circumstances of preceding paragraph, the Company is not obligated to compensate you for any losses incurred, and you may not terminate, rescind the service, or apply for a refund based on this reason. If there is a third party attributable for such circumstances, the Company may assist you in claiming for compensation from the third party.

  10. Data Processing After Service Termination

    1. Upon the expiration of the service period or the occurrence of a service termination event, the Company may immediately terminate your access to the Management Console.

    2. You agree that the Company may clear your work data:

      1. If you are a registered user with a subscription plan, the company may delete your work data (including but not limited to: data related to creating surveys, tests, or interactive game modules, as well as response data) starting from the day following the expiration of the subscription period or the occurrence of reasons for service termination, and continuing for six months thereafter.
      2. If you are a registered user without subscription plan, the company may delete your work data (including but not limited to: data related to creating surveys, tests, or interactive game modules) starting from the day following the creation of the questionnaire, test, or interactive game module, or from the day following the occurrence of reasons for service termination, and continuing for six months thereafter.
      3. If you are an unregistered user, the company may delete your work data (including but not limited to: response data) from the surveys, tests, or interactive games you have filled out or experienced, upon the expiration of the period specified in the first clause of this paragraph.
  11. Intellectual Property Right

    1. All concept, structure, content (including all graphics, images, designs, illustrations, brands), trademark, system screens, frames, backend code or other system information uploaded by the Company to the RE:LAB’s Service are the copyright of the Company with full intellectual property rights unless the Company has a contract with a third party, which is subject to its agreement. You may not use the information without our consent for purposes other than those in accordance with the RE:LAB’s Services. Any photography, filming, screenshot, sharing or other copyrighted use without the Company’s consent or incompatible with the use of the RE:LAB’s Services will be considered an infringement of copyright.

    2. If you wish to use any copyrighted content on the Platform, please contact the Company according to the official contact information announced on the Platform to obtain prior written consent or authorization. If authorized to use copyrighted content, You must indicate the source of the content and acknowledge the Company as the copyright owner. Furthermore, you must maintain the integrity of the content, and should not arbitrarily misinterpret, add, delete, edit, or change the work.

    3. You should ensure that all information and files you upload, transmit, input, publish, store or provide to this service have legal use rights. Otherwise, please do not upload, transmit, input, publish, store or provide to this service.

    4. Once you choose to upload, transmit, input or provide information or files to the Company or the RE:LAB’s Service, you agree to authorize the Company, without compensation, to use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, publicly transmit, alter, distribute, sublicense and all other uses under copyright law within the scope of the purpose of promoting or optimizing the services of the RE:LAB’s Service, without limitation of time, place or number of times. You agree not to exercise moral rights against the Company. You warrant that any use by the Company in accordance with this section will not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of third parties or be subject to any assertion of rights by third parties.

    5. If you find that the content of the RE:LAB’s Servise is likely to infringe or infringe copyright, You can contact customer service to notify the Company. The Company will handle the matter in accordance with the Company’s policies.

    6. If you violate this Article, you agree to indemnify the Company or any third party against any damages (including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees, court costs, penalties imposed on us, or any damages or losses suffered by the Company as a result of any claim by a third party)

  12. Confidentiality Clause

    1. You are obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding all information and content provided to you through the RE:LAB’s Service. Except as required by law or by request from the competent authority, you may not provide or disclose such information to any third party in any manner, nor may you use it for any other purposes.

    2. The preceding paragraph shall apply even after the termination of this service.

  13. Disclaimer

    1. The Company shall not be liable to you for any direct or indirect damages arising out of the following circumstances.

      1. The RE:LAB’s Service suspension or interruption caused by the relocation, replacement or maintenance of the system equipment of this website.
      2. The RE:LAB’s Service may be temporarily suspended or interrupted due to error troubleshooting in the service system program.
      3. The RE:LAB’s Service suspension or interruption caused by reasons not attributable to the Company.
      4. The data you provide to the Company is incorrect or falsified, altered, deleted or extracted by third party.
      5. The RE;LAB’s Service suspension or interruption is caused by the natural disasters or other force majeure.
      6. You have any violation of governmental laws or these Terms of Service and the Company stops or interrupts the Platform service.
      7. Other circumstances that the Company deems necessary to suspend or interrupt the service.
      8. Any dispute, loss or other controversy between you, other users of the RE:LAB’s Service and third party.
    2. Except for providing you with the RE:LAB’s Service, our company does not guarantee that the benefits of your use of this service will meet your subjective expectations.

    3. If you violate these Terms of Service, the laws of the Republic of China, Taiwan or the local laws applicable to your use of the RE:LAB’s Service, and as a result cause damage to the Company or any other third party, you agree to indemnify the Company and assume responsibility for the resulting damages.

  14. Transfer and Storage of Data

    1. You agree that if the ownership or operation of the Company or the RE:LAB’s Service changes, the rights and obligations of these Terms of Service and the personal information provided by You and all information provided or uploaded to the RE:LAB’s Service will be unconditionally transferred to the new owner or operator, unless otherwise agreed between the Company and a third party, and you may not object.

    2. If the Company conducts a large-scale version update of the R:LAB’s Service or develops a new software platform, you unconditionally agree that the Company may transfer the data you store on this Service to the new version or new software platform operated by the Company without terminating or canceling the RE:LAB’s Service.

    3. For the collection and use of user data, please refer to the company’s Terms of Privacy Provision.

  15. Change of the RE:LAB’s Service Terms

    1. You agree that the Company has the right to change or adjust the contents of these Terms of Service at any time. The Company will announce the changes on the Company’s platform and notify you by email to the email address listed on your member account. By continuing to use the RE:LAB’s Service, you agree to be bound by all changes to these Terms of Service.

    2. If you do not agree to any of the adjustments or changes of Terms of Service, or the country or territory to which you belong excludes all or part of the contents of these Terms of Service, you agree to immediately cease use of the Website.

  16. Miscellaneous

    1. Except where otherwise provided in the Terms of Service, you may not transfer the rights and obligations of this service to any third party.

    2. Once you agree to these Terms of Service, it will be effective retroactively from the date you first used the Website.

    3. The headings contained in these Terms of Service are for reference purposes only and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of these Terms of Service in any way.

    4. If any provision of these Terms of Service is determined to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, it shall not affect the enforceability of any other provision of these Terms of Service.

    5. These Terms of Service shall be effective until the Company takes the initiative to cease providing the service of Website to you, and shall not be invalidated by your personal suspension or by the Company’s termination or restriction of your use of the account (or any part thereof) or the RE:LAB’s Service.

    6. These Terms of Service may be available in different languages. In the event of discrepancies or ambiguities between the language versions, the "Traditional Chinese Version" shall prevail and take precedence.

  17. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

    These Terms of Service shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China, Taiwan. All disputes arising from these Terms of Service shall be handled in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China, Taiwan. The Taipei District Court shall have the sole and exclusive jurisdiction over any lawsuit or other judicial proceeding relating to or arising from these Terms of Service.

  18. Company’s Contact Information

    Customer Service Email: [email protected] Company Name:RE:LAB Tax ID Number: 42635899